Thursday, October 29, 2009

Formidable Opponent - Don't Ask, Don't Tell

The Colbert ReportMon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
Formidable Opponent - Don't Ask, Don't Tell
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Wednesday, October 28, 2009

About "Don't ask, Don't tell"

Before looking at Editorial cartoons on the policy of "Don't ask, Don't tell", it is important to make sure the content of the policy is clear for the viewers. Here is a summary of a definition found on

  • "Don't Ask, Don't Tell, Don't Pursue" is the actual name of the policy, although "Don't Pursue" is almost always omitted.
"Service personnel may be discharged for homosexual conduct but not simply for being gay. Therefore, military commanders do not ask military personnel about their sexual orientations or begin an investigation except upon the receipt of 'credible information' of homosexual conduct".
  • Soldiers cannot be discharged just because of their sexual orientation, but they can be for homosexual conduct.
So what is all the controversy about gays not being able to serve openly in the military? Well, here's the thing:
  • If a gay man or lesbian woman publicly announces his/her sexuality it is considered an intent to engage in homosexual activity.
So under this policy, admitting to sexual orientation is the same as actually engaging in homosexual conduct.

Poe, Cynthia R.. ""Don't Ask, Don't Tell." Dictionary of American History. The Gale Group Inc. 2003. 29 Oct. 2009 .

Obama on Gays in Military

President Obama agrees with former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff John Shalikashvili and other military experts that we need to repeal the "don't ask, don't tell" policy. The key test for military service should be patriotism, a sense of duty, and a willingness to serve. Discrimination should be prohibited. The U.S. government has spent millions of dollars replacing troops kicked out of the military because of their sexual orientation. The President will work with military leaders to repeal the current policy and ensure it helps accomplish our national defense goals.

President-elect Barack Obama will allow gays to serve openly in the military by overturning the controversial "don't ask, don't tell" policy that marred President Clinton's first days in office, according to incoming White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs.

Colbert - Lost Treasures of Babylon clip

Colbert - Lost Treasures of Babylon clip

Movie Clip - Gays in the military

Saturday night live - 2 gay guys in the military clip.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Military Discharge Stats

Kyle Baker brings a different style to this cartoon. A soldier dressed properly gets asked by a man wanting to be someone else about the "don't ask. don't tell." Views can be taken that things could go on if no one tells or asks about a certain matter that could have taken place. It's such a broad thing to talk about and could be made a lot more specific.

Graham Jackson does a great job depicting two soldiers in the desert (where we've been fighting) and what it can do to a person. Thoughts of the desert and illusions came to mind about being in the heat, lack of water, and things looking or becoming something completely different than they really are. He calls the soldier "Gloria" and this just goes to tell you that not a whole of sense could be made in this actually happening in combat.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Don't Ask

By Larry Wright, The Detroit News 7/27/06

Culture War Memorial

By Jack Ohman, The Oregonian 10/8/09

Unemployment Office

Publication: Bor's Blog Date: 10/23/09

Cartoonist: Matt Bors

Title of Cartoon: DADT

Three people explain why they are standing in line at the unemployment office. Two of them lost their jobs because of circumstances involving interactions with employees or economics. The third man, wearing an army uniform, is unemployed because of his sexual orientation, which is part of who he is.

The stand: A man should not be forced into unemployment based on his sexual orientation.

Don't ask

Cartoonist: Pat Oliphant

Date: July 10, 1993

Title of Cartoon:
‘[I won't ask! Don't ask!
I mustn't ask! Don't ask!
I can't ask! Don't ask!
So don't ask! Don't ask!]'

The soldier in question is putting on lip stick. The officer associates that with being homosexual, but he can't ask about it because that would violate the "Don't ask, Don't tell" policy.

This cartoon is neutral, because it is just portraying the DADT policy in the military without really taking a side on the issue.

Although this cartoon doesn't necessarily take a stand on the policy, it does contain a stereotype about gay men wearing make-up.

Moral Waivers

By Bearman, The Cincinnati Beacon 12/19/07

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Will and Grace...

In this cartoon, Terry Wise illustrates that American people are not strangers to homosexuals. The army general in this cartoon says that he used to watch the TV show "Will and Grace," but by this I believe that he is saying that many people of the wrong idea of what gay people are like. We just believe what we see in the media...that gay men are flaming, and that they can't be masculine.

Mister Jones...

Paul Berge, cartoonist for the Racine Post in Wisconsin, illustrated a powerful message stating that the expertise of homosexual men could've helped win the war, but since they are openly gay, we don't want them around anymore. I believe the inspiration for this cartoon came from a the song "This is the Army, Mister Jones" by Irving Berlin. This cartoon was published on March 19, 2009.

Sam Nunn's Army

It is rather unfortunate that after I grabbed this cartoon, I quickly went on to other cartoons without grabbing the source. As soon as I find it, it will be posted. The cartoonist, Rob Rogers of the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, is obviously showing what a day in the life of Sam Nunn's army would be like. Sam Nunn said that it was probably time to "reconsider" the "don't ask, don't tell" policy. This cartoon just shows Sgt. Schultz plugging his ears trying not to hear the other army man tell him that he is gay. This suggests that maybe things are better under "don't ask, don't tell" and that men might be treated differently if they are openly gay.

Turns out...

In my personal opinion, the life of a homosexual man is just as valuable as that of a heterosexual man. In this editorial cartoon, David Horsey shows how unfairly gays in the military are treated. The flag draped over the coffin, to me, shows that the life of a gay man and the life of a straight man are worth equally as much when it comes right down to it. When it comes to fighting for our country, and our freedoms, every man and woman who are out there fighting are important. I believe that this cartoon that was published in the Seattle Post-Intelligencer on February 27, 2005 illustrates my point very well.

Nuclear Issues

The topic of gays in the military is a very controversial issue presently. As we all know, North Korea just obtained a nuclear weapon, which, if the situation is not handled carefully, could seriously backfire. Just like the issue of gays in the military. Obama is probably very concerned with his public approval ratings, and he is probably already thinking about being re-elected. He doesn't want to lift the ban on gays in the military if it means that he will be disliked, but also, he doesn't want to keep the ban because there are many individuals out there who want to join the military and be openly gay. Whatever Obama decides, this "nuclear issue" has the potential to backfire. I just really like how Nick Anderson shows how big of an issue gays in the military really is.

Published: Houston Chronicle on June 11, 2009


Publication: Found on

Cartoonist: Cluff

Title of Cartoon: Untitled

One soldier is openly reading Gay News, and the other soldier says he can continue to read what he is reading IF he makes it appear to be something else. The same thing can be said of a gay man in the military under the "Don't ask, Don't tell" policiy. He can be gay, as long as he is not open about his sexual orientation.

The stand: Men and women should be able to be open about their sexual orientation in the Military without negative consequence.

Reyna Glena's I cant shoot him he's gorgeous..two soldiers sit in a bunker together under fire with bullets flying by them. The soldier says he cant carry out the order to shoot because of the opposing soldiers looks. The bottom states hysterical reason #373 from the right wing view stating that its ridiculous to think that this actually would ever really happen. There are countless reasons why they say no but all those reasons are not realistic.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Military or Marriage?

In the Atlanta Journal - Constitution, Mike Lutkovich had this editorial cartoon published on April 17, 2009. It illustrates what life is like for a gay American...You have must be willing to take orders, give up freedom, and to fight. The man the general is talking to is just wondering if he is talking about gays in the military, or gay marriage. This cartoon just puts it into perspective really well for me.

Pat Bagley of the Salt Lake tribue illustrates "The Village Idiots" of the nations high ranking officials and leaders are opposing gays in the military by singing a remix of YMCA to A-R-M-Y, showing that the army is a place for men and not for pansies. Judging by the way bush and company look vs. the soldier its easy to see who looks more like a pansy.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

"Which one is gay?"

Author: Chan Lowe
Publication: Sun-Sentinel
Date: April 15, 2009
Image Number: Unknown posted on his blog

Chan Lowe makes a powerful statement by showing that in the end when a soldier dies in battle it doesn’t make a difference whether they were gay or straight but that they fought and stood strong for their country and in death each soldier is the same and will receive the respect they deserve. Why does it matter your sexuality when you are fighting the same war for the same principals of freedom.

"Dont Hope"

Author: John Sherffius
Publication: Unknown
Image Number: 71621
Date: June 8, 2009

John Sherffius is using Obama's symbol of change in his, don't ask, don't tell, don't hope editorial. is is pointing out that if the, "don't ask don't tell", rule in place then there would not be a change causing people to lose hope in their country.


Author: Paul Berge
Publication: Racine Post
Image Number: 65613
Date: Jan. 21, 20009

Paul Berge is making fun of stereotype of gays being so feminine. And is bringing the issue of what is happening in the military or what could happen. Cause men and women are kept separately so they can keep their personal relationships separate.

"Gays in the Military"

Author: David Granlund
Publication: Unknown
Image Number: 69990
Date: 10/12/2009 12:00 AM

David Granlund is showing us that after the war is over, It doesn’t matter whether you were gay or straight. They all served our country and will get the recognition they deserve for the patriotism.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Gay Vote{3C7FF6C7-14ED-4B43-B6F1-807630F42184}

Gay-Bashed Pace

By Gary McCoy, Cagle Cartoons 3/15/07{0930026F-C52D-4564-8150-A7A1BE57F148}

Gun Love

By Pat Bagley, Salt Lake Tribune 3/5/09{7FE0E841-450E-441E-A9D7-9010FFF53D29}

2 Moms for a Child

By Jiho, France 8/14/09{02AD35DF-ECC0-47F0-A947-FFA0CEC61DB5}

"Dont ask don't tell."

Author: Mike Keefe
Publication: The Denver Post
Image Number: 65733
Date: 6/17/2009 5:40:32 PM

Mike Keefeis using the "don't ask, don't tell" rule in the military to depict what is going on. By Obama saying "Don't rock the boat", he is pointing out how things haven't changed with the rules because people don't want to deal with the issue at hand. People who are not in support of the change in banning the don't ask don't rule dont want to "rock the boat" and dont see the need to make the change. "We should not be punishing patriotic Americans who have stepped forward to serve the country," Obama said. "We should be celebrating their willingness to step forward and show such courage ... especially when we are fighting two wars."